Providing High Quality Test Results for Over 30 Years

Mid Atlantic Labs Water, Soil, and Air Testing

Mid-Atlantic Laboratories, Inc is an independent full service testing laboratory with offices in Fredericksburg, VA, King George, VA and in Port Royal, VA. We specialize in the analysis of drinking water, mold, wastewater, air and soil. We are state certified in Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and West Virginia. We offer convenient discount express shipping solutions and/or courier pickup for your sampling needs throughout the 4 states. Read more about us….

We are registered in SAM system for federal government clients and on the eVA portal for Virginia State government customers. We are a Small Woman Owned Minority Business (SWaM) Certified in the State of Virginia and MICRO certified. Call or E-mail today for your testing needs. Be sure to take advantage of our postage-paid offer! Click here for more details.

We offer a broad scope of services that makes us the right lab for the job!

  • Water, Wastewater, Stormwater, Soil, Mold, Air, Radon, Compost & Solids testing
  • Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) testing for Drinking water wells, Cooling Tower water, Closed Loops, Boilers, Fire Sprinkler & suppression systems and specialized testing for HVAC water testing in chillers & commercial systems – email or call us today to get pricing on your special testing needed or order on the shopping cart.
  • Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC bacteria), Pseudomonas and other testing for hospitals, medical & dental offices.
  • Organic Fertilizer, Compost, Soil amendments, Soil conditioners & Water testing for Toxic Organics: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) testing, Nutrients: N-P-K and Metals: EPA 503 toxic metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Zn) as well as Salmonella, Fecal and size distribution which includes inserts & plastics.
  • Discounted Lead & Copper Testing for compliance, public systems & schools

  • Free uploading of all public samples to ensure compliance with VDH – EPA’s CMDP database for public water systems

  • Priority Rush Turnaround Times Available
  • Monthly & Quarterly Testing for VDPES/NPDES permits, storm-water, auto parts, plants & industrial facilities
  • We have the field equipment to sample streams, lakes, rivers, stormwater drains and wastewater systems. Certified sample technicians on staff, licensed water operators in VA & MD and trained technicians for remote locations sample collection 7 days a week. We also have 24hr composite samplers and bailers for monitoring wells. We offer field water testing for pH, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, Static Water Level, Chlorine and Flow. With our soil sampling crews we can perform sample collection at any depth and provide soil testing parameters required by the DEQ. We also can test the Hydraulic Conductivity and soil pH.
  • On-site specialists that can help public systems, schools and municipal water systems – including uploading state data reports for free

  • PFAS testing for compliance public systems- EPA 533 & EPA 537.1 (UCMR 5) – which is the umbrella term for synthetic organic compounds containing fluorine atoms; PFOS & PFOA, MTBE

  • Courier pickup of samples and special FedEx options to meet your critical sampling requirements

  • Aircraft Drinking Water Rule (ADWR) testing for safety of airplane water systems
  • Testing and sample collection for lead in drinking water at schools…EPA grant More Details

  • Legionella, PB/CU & bacteria testing for Federal buildings & GSA facilities

  • MDI & MDA analysis for VDOT culvert and stream impact construction projects. SVOC’s and other chemical testing for CIPP and SIPP culvert/pipe road projects. Certified sampling Technicians available to meet all your requirements and in the timeframes needed.
  • International water testing at US Embassies and other government facilities

  • We have a logistics team that specializes in sample collections, shipping, courier services and onsite certified technicians that can ensure you meet your deadlines. You can depend on MAL for all your analytical needs.
  • Experience you can trust: With decades of experience and extensive certifications, our team has the knowledge and credentials to give you peace of mind every step of the way.

Featured Products

Water Testing

Soil Testing

Air Testing